This blog was created simply to allow a place for me (and you) to express ourselves and yes, to whine.
Actually, my main focus is just to talk about life and the juice that's left over after life's lemons are tossed our way from time to time.
How many times have you heard that wonderful phrase, 'everything happens for a reason'? (which now will be referred to as 'EHFAR') Yeah, Me too, maybe...oh...a million or so, right? Well, I'm here to tell you that this statement is TRUE! I've gone through more tough times in my life than any person should have to at my age and I've found that there usually, and almost always are, puddles of juice left behind, whether the lemon just grazes your head or you get smacked right in the face with it.
Frankly, at the time, when those well meaning people are there trying to console me about whatever situation I'm in, while I'm perched high on my 'Wall of Whine', I'd like to just smack em along side the head and tell them where they can stick their 'EHFAR' But I don't. I let them feel as if they're doing a good job at being helpful.
I mean, there I am, wallowing in what I've always thought was my puddle of despair, wanting the 'well meaning' soul to just let me have my moment to cry, scream or hit something. I don't want to hear about how someday I'll look back and see the good in it.
But then, usually a whisper comes in my mind of a previous time that I was so devastated by a hit from a gigantic lemon. I remember it but the pain has faded just a little or the anger is almost gone. I find that I've really learned something from that particular incident. That puddle of despair that I had been wallowing in was actually a puddle of lemon juice. Lemon juice has healing properties and among other things, aids in helping the digestion system.
So now it all makes sense. Although the lemon itself is pretty sour to taste, just like the lemons that make their appearances in the different scenes of our lives, the juice that's left behind IS something good..something that makes you wonder if the souls that tell you EHFAR, really do know what they're talking about. And although it's a difficult concept to swallow while you're wallowing in the puddle of despair and perched upon your wall of whine, we can almost count on the fact that the puddle will turn into something that we later in life, can use to help process, digest and learn from, for that next lemon that comes our way!
Regeneration is the New Birth
2 hours ago
Nice Idea here, this wall of Whine. And a bit too timely for my comfort. Ya see I sat down here In the middle of my own lil "whine" gettin all comfy for my own little 'pity party". Probable hoping Someone would hear and listen to my delemma. But, All the fingers seem to be directed back my way. I whine fairly easy. And as the years take their toll My excuses are more prevelant and feable. I felt bad because I had no shoes until,,,,,,,,I met a man who had no feet, remember that lil didee?? Well I do now since reading your comments. So I thank you. For helping me become more aware of the many many blessings I enjoy every day. I'll be visiting your wall every so often, hoping for another free uplift. Instead of continuing my lil "party", I think I'll take some time to, smell the roses.. Al
Blog blog blog.... who ever came up with such a name anyway??? I think that is really a weird name or word or saying or...........,.
Any way I like the Idea but I really have nothing to Whine about at the moment. Unbelievable isn't it??? BUT>>> I will surely remember to come here when I feel like I Whineing again and I might even bring some cheese to go with it. Because............................EHFAR :}
Is this the same wall Humpty fell off? Be carefull up there! I currently am facing some difficult situations, however nothing to whine about. I've found that most of the time its ME thats hitting myself in the face with lemons. I am thankfull though for the people in my life that help me through it all.
that wall of whines in the words of graham cooke is made up of "faith builders" the healing juice of those lemons only makes us stronger -- so thank God for the lemons in our life --- they bring us that much closer to Him and hopefully we get to take someone with us.
You are making a difference in this world for posting something that so many people deal with and get caught up in. Whining!!!!! I believe us whiners get a bad rap because we are voicing things that really hurt us and want people to have some compassion and maybe some advice to help us feel better. But people get sick and tired of hearing it and want to see results of change, instead of talking about it. They have their own problems to have to deal with. Everybody is handed lemons at some point in their lives. What's important is what we do with the lemons. I know my family and friends love me and care when i am hurting, but it seems the more i whine the more i'm not taken seriously. "There she goes whining once again." And in the end we hurt more. When we focus so much on our problems we lose touch of the good things that are happening to us. I just hope and pray I can break the habit completely. But until I get to that point i'm thankful to know i have a place to whine it up in my time of weakness, instead of overloading my friends and family.
Having pity parties used to be a specialty of mine, but over many years and many tears, I've learned that adversity happens to make us strong and build our character. I am the person I am today because of all the lemons I've tasted (and are still tasting). We certainly can't control our circumstances, but we can most certainly control the way we respond.
My disease made me start searching for answers...and that's how I found God. It's so encouraging to know that "All things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28
You are so right! I can get pretty pathetic with my pity parties. Sometimes God has to get our attention away from ourselves and our whining and back on Him. That scripture is one of my favorites and I've got it written on a little sticky note on my bathroom mirror. It helps me remember that He's got a master plan and everything will eventually fit together and be ok. I often wonder how those without God in their lives can make it without knowing the promises that God has for us.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing! God Bless...
I'm so sorry you have had to go through so much crap in this life. It is just to bad that you or anyone has to go through so much to what..... learn or grow well great for the supper lessons and look where we are now in the same shit big deal. I wanna live in great health, big house, lotsa money, and no worries... Is there a recipe for that!!!!
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