I'd like to introduce to you all, my brother, Al (or as we call him, Butch), and his wife, Jenny. His blog is called "Bridging the Struggle" at http://cancer-isnt-scary.blogspot.com.
Sounds like a strange title and certainly an attention grabber, huh. And you may beg to differ claiming that cancer IS scary. Let's face it, the last thing people want to hear after seeing a doctor is the big 'C' word. But if you make yourself go beyond the 'what ifs' and view the subject in reality, you'd have to admit that our lives can be over in an instant, whether we are totally healthy or terminally ill. God has the final say on that. It's the journey to that end which establishes those character traits in each of us that makes us who we are.
I've had some interesting conversations with my brother and his wife, who has been battling cancer for many years now, about our days here on earth and our purpose for life. Trying to figure out where God has placed us and for what reasons. In the end, it's always the same answer. We are here because He has chosen us for specific tasks and whether we fight our purpose or go with the flow, we still only have so much time to live.
We are told to make each day count. Many years ago I worked in a secured facility as a jailer. Most of the inmates came from backgrounds that left much to be desired. How does one 'make each day count' when your life is stagnant, stuck in a place where the situation literally dictates how you will live from moment to moment. Do we sit and contemplate how utterly unfair it all is? Do we allow ourselves to become embittered over the fact that as a young person, we had such huge magnificent plans for our life, yet that dream has never unfolded because of circumstances beyond our control. Then there are those that place the blame for their struggles on the past. Usually mom or dad, and then badmouth them for dealing them a bad hand from the start?
We each have a choice about how we view our lives and what we do with the lot that we've been handed. My brother and his wife have been in the middle of some pretty disheartening circumstances for quite some time. If anyone has reason to shake their fist at God, they certainly do. Not that they haven't been there before. Probably many times. Of course each of them will have those days where they feel it's too much to endure and question God why. And even days where they are angry and fed up with the daily struggles, the unfairness of it all.
But let's face it. We live in a broken world and as long as we do we will have our battles to face. Ephesians 6:12 says,
'For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly realms.'
If life has dealt us a bad hand, we need to allow God in. He can take what we have and liberate us from the bonds that usually can imprison us if we try to do it our own way without Him. No, according to my brother, the cancer isn't scary and it isn't even important. He and Jenny have struggled with this for too long and I'm quite sure that they just do not want to give the cancer any more of themselves than it's already taken. The road traveled with cancer can be a very rough trying road. But if you allow it to, it can consume your entire world and ultimately get in the way of your walk with God. My heart breaks when I see what Butch and Jenny have to endure and most of the time I feel powerless to do anything to relieve their pain. But I'm thankful that they both have a solid relationship with their Savior.
Since all of us know our days on this earth are numbered, how we leave this earth is not as important as how committed we are to our relationship with our God while we are here. My brother and his wife have placed their struggles as well as their lives in the capable hand or God. Cancer isn't scary to them because they've found the solid foundation in Him.
Give them a visit over on their blog? I feel they are good people. You can find them at:
No Servant Can Serve Two Masters
12 hours ago
I don't know what it is like to have cancer. From what I've been told and have seen, cancer is a very difficult thing to deal with and go through. There is suffering that can hinder one's faith and trust in God. I believe that every single person on this earth has a specific reason to be here. Butch and Jenny are couragious people to endure what they have and will in the future and still keep their faith in God. There are many variables to how our purpose will be known and carried out. Something so small to us could be so big and inspirational and life changing to someone else. I'm sure Butch and Jenny have been AWARE of things that they have done specifically for God. I also think that they have touched peoples lives and did God's work in peoples lives WITHOUT BEING AWARE of what or how they made a difference for God's ultimate plan. God does work in mysterious ways. I've personally experienced God's mysterious way of working in my life. I've been lost and blind for most of my life. Only with me surrendering to God and making a commitment and seeking Him first on everything (not just when I think I need His help). I don't know the plan of God on a day to day basis. Praying and walking has been a difficult thing for me. I made a commitment with God to carry out His plan. So now I wake up day after day wondering what to do for God. It's a pretty amazing thing just to know that God has faith in me(little insignificant me). Things have slowly been changing for the better. Things that I was'nt even aware of. It's definitely not easy to surrender my life for God's work, but that's why I'm here. God is the purpose of my life. I believe in God! That is what I hold on to lately more than ever. The more I seek God and surrender my life to Him, the more he has been opening the doors for me to do His plan. And peace does come. This takes a lot of patience. I catch myself asking God "What is going on here" "Why is this so hard" "Why are you allowing me to suffer" Honest prayers are very important! But I have to admit it also has held me back sometimes, because I end up dwelling on questions that God only knows. To really truly believe, trust and have faith in God is huge! I believe there are levels of everything in everyone. All things have potential to grow! We must do what we can with what God gave us. Keep the faith Linda! I can see how you are using what you have to serve others. You've definitely touched my life and helped me through some pretty dark days. God was able to touch my life through you. I am thankful to you and amazed by God!
It really is awesome when we can say that cancer (or whatever is troubling us) isn't scary anymore.
When we can say that, that's when we've come to the end of ourselves, and God really and truly is EVERYTHING (and not just lip service).
I once heard that you're not ready to live until you are ready to die. I can relate to Paul when he says his life is worth nothing, unless he uses it to finish spreading the Good News about Jesus (I'm paraphrasing,..my Bible's not handy. I think that's Acts 20:24). Also, it's not until we can say what Jesus said in the garden, "Not my will but Yours be done" (and really mean it), is when healing comes...spiritual healing. Thanks for posting this. Blessings to you, and your brother's family!
Hi Jeni, First...I MISS YOU!! I hope things are going better. We MUST get together soon. I know you've been struggling. We all do, especially at first. But you have to know that God is going to build you up and you will grow with each trial. He'll strengthen you so that when you pass through them, you will feel stronger.
I can't imagine staying possitive in a situation like Butch and Jenny's. Even for most of the time. But the awesome thing is that God does have an ultimate plan for their situation. They're testimony alone is doing so much good for others. Well, keep looking up girl. He's right there with you..ALWAYS
Love you all, mom
Hi Jeni, First...I MISS YOU!! I hope things are going better. We MUST get together soon. I know you've been struggling. We all do, especially at first. But you have to know that God is going to build you up and you will grow with each trial. He'll strengthen you so that when you pass through them, you will feel stronger.
I can't imagine staying possitive in a situation like Butch and Jenny's. Even for most of the time. But the awesome thing is that God does have an ultimate plan for their situation. They're testimony alone is doing so much good for others. Well, keep looking up girl. He's right there with you..ALWAYS
Love you all, mom
Hi Lori,
I don't think I'm there yet. I thought I was and then I had a little bite of reality. I believe that was God telling me,.. "see, you're not there yet, Keep seeking me"
And I am. I look forward to the day that fear isnt the first emotion I feel. I need to work on trusting Him more. Thanks for your thots Lori. I pray all is well with you. God Bless!
That is a very touching post. I don't know what it is like to have cancer either but it sounds like your brother and sister-in-law have found strength from God and are able to deal with it. That is amazing. I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for visiting Healthy Moms.
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