Hi ALL!~ That is if I have anyone reading these anymore. I haven't been on much lately and I don't have any excuses either! Imagine that! I guess you could say I've been 'in a rut'. Let your imagination go wild there.
Several things have taken up my time lately. I've been trying to find a hobby, you know, something to eat up the time I waste, to allow God to use me in whatever way He sees fit. Since I was a kid I loved drawing, and I was ok at it, but when life took over I had put that all aside and really haven't visited it much during my busy years of raising kids and working. Because I want God to be the author of all that I do I prayed about it. I really felt led to get back to drawing but I had this great idea to even add to it by getting into wood carving as well. That's something that has always peeked my interest through the years. Isn't it awesome how some of those carvings tend to almost jump out at you and come alive? That's the kind that I want to be able to do.(Ya, don't we all?!)
So I ran with the idea. I researched it, like with everything, until I beat the subject to death. I wrote to a few carvers to get their words of wisdom and even got one that was willing to take me under his wing for awhile. I was so excited to start! Then I went and got myself all the 'beginners' tools and it took me a week just to find the right kind of wood. Thinking I was the smart one I grabbed a piece of red oak that was laying out by the wood stove instead of ensuring that I had something soft to start with. I just figured that once I learned how to carve with that, everything else would be like butter, right? HA.....what a mistake there! All I did was frustrate myself as well as the carver that was TRYING to teach me something. Lesson learned. We are NEVER as smart as our teachers. Next, I needed sharp tools. Since sharp tools are the ideal way to go when your taking delicate cuts out of wood, I needed to learn how to do my own. It took me another week just to get all the materials together for that, plus add a few days of trying my hand at it. It didn't go real smooth. I won't get into the gory details but luckily I still have 10 fingers left. I'm here to tell you, no matter how smart you think you are, it's never as easy as it looks and it's always a good idea to have a First Aid kit handy! So here I sit...I have a teacher, sharp tools, soft wood, and a pattern BUT I'm too frustrated and sore to give it a try! I won't tell that to my teacher though because I'm just too darned embarrassed.
All of this started with me wanting to do whatever God had planned for me. Since I tossed the 'artist' in me aside, I thought maybe God had plans for something in that area long ago but I had taken another path back then. And now when He reminded me of the talent he had given me from the start, I go and take the fork in the road AGAIN!
Isn't that just what we humans do? And we're so good at it too! God picks the plan for us. He steers us down the road we are to take, but we think we're so much smarter so we take another path, add our brilliant ideas and end up with bloody fingers. I won't totally give up on the carving idea but instead of jumping ahead of myself and obviously GOD, I'm thinking I will go dig out that old sketch pad and a pencil or two and see where that takes me. Then .....well, I'm not sure but I'll get back to ya!
No Servant Can Serve Two Masters
12 hours ago
Oh Linda, I also love drawing. But I still do draw as a pastime. I also paint and I like in oils, and in acrylic. I wanted to be a fashion designer for such a long time but I guess it was not God's plan. Being in the fashion industry can keep me away from God since it is by nature ---glamour and glitz.
I cannot imagine myself carving. I can't even shape a Play Doh.
yur such a twit,, God dont need no carvers!!!he's got his own dummy,,,
and besides, you should take up butchering, i saw those knives whewn you got thru with em,,,
Hi Binkee! Nice to see you're still coming over once in awhile. I know I havent been real faithful on here.
You draw too! I bet your good too! I'd love to see some of it. I tried the painting thing once but I quickly let it go. I guess my patience isnt what it should be.
I've done a few itty bitty carvings projects and they turned out...ok. But, I'll try to just stick with drawing for awhile yet.
Thanks for stopping by. I'll be looking for those drawings. Put them on your blog or something.K?
God Bless
Ssnuffy, I know! After the last 'butchering' I did on the carving knives, I'll probably just leave em for you to sharpen. It seems like the sharpening is an art form in itself and I flunked my first attempt badly. Maybe one day I'll get good at it but until then I'm glad yer there to pull my butt out of the fire tho.
Hey, I saw your blog post. Sorry you have days like that. I wish I could do SOMETHING! But..I WILL keep praying. It does help whether we think it does or not. Hange in there, K? Love ya
Yes I did before about 3 of them;
First; http://fliploveusa.typepad.com/a_filipino_immigrants_lov/2008/07/recapturing-an.html
2nd is: http://fliploveusa.typepad.com/a_filipino_immigrants_lov/2008/10/to-be-a-girl-gu.html
3rd is;
I'll post some more next time.
I have a tag for you Linda. A special tag for Valentine's Day which I am sure you'll enjoy sharing and posting;
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